Chapter 1
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What is the chapter about? Batman: Colossians 1 is about the great mystery of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ! Joker: Oh, what a bore! Batman: Quite the contrary, Joker. →
Chapter 2
Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! It's Colossians Chapter 2! Batman: Let me read it, Robin. It starts off by saying that we should be rooted in Christ, so that we can be built up in Him and strengthened in the faith we have been taught. →
Chapter 3
Batman: Robin, our mission this time is to learn about Colossians 3! Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! What does it say? Batman: It says we should put to death our earthly desires and instead focus on our spiritual lives. →
Chapter 4
Batman: Robin, did you read this chapter? Robin: Sure did, Batman! Colossians 4 tells us to be wise in the way we act and speak. We should be full of grace and speak with kindness so that our words will be heard. →