Chapter 1
Batman: Holy Scripture, Robin! This chapter talks about the beginning of the world. Robin: Gosh, it's so amazing that God created the world in seven days! Joker: Oh, puh-leeze! What kind of silly story is this? →
Chapter 2
Robin: Holy Creation, Batman! I just read the second chapter of Genesis. Batman: What did you learn, Robin? Robin: Well, the Lord God formed a man out of the dust of the ground and breathed life into him. →
Chapter 3
Robin: Oh no, Batman! It looks like the Garden of Eden has been ruined. Batman: Yes, Robin, it appears that Adam and Eve have disobeyed God and eaten the forbidden fruit! Joker: Ha ha ha! I'm sure they're sorry now, aren't they? →
Chapter 4
Batman: Trouble is afoot, Robin! Cain has just killed his brother Abel in a fit of jealousy! Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! What a tragedy! Catwoman: Not to mention a crime, Batman! You can't just go around murdering your brother and expect to get away with it! →
Chapter 5
Batman: Old man Adam, he had a son, and his name was Seth! Robin: Adam lived to be 930 years old, and Seth was 105 when he had a son of his own. Joker: Hey, that's a long time to be alive! What's the secret? →
Chapter 6
Batman: Robin, it looks like we've got trouble in the Bible again! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: In Genesis Chapter 6, we find out that the wickedness of man has become so great that God decides to send a flood to wipe out mankind! →
Chapter 7
Robin: Holy Noah's Ark, Batman! It looks like God is making a flood come down from the heavens to flood the Earth! Batman: Indeed, Robin. In this seventh chapter of Genesis, God orders Noah to gather two of every animal and to also bring seven of every clean animal, and then to get aboard the Ark. →
Chapter 8
Batman: What a bothersome situation, Robin! It's been raining for forty days and forty nights. Robin: What will we do? The entire world is flooded! Batman: Have faith, my young ward. A ray of hope is on the horizon. →
Chapter 9
Batman: We've got trouble, Robin. In the book of Genesis, Chapter 9, Noah and his family have left the ark, and God has made a covenant with them. Robin: What kind of covenant, Batman? Batman: God has promised to never destroy the Earth with a flood again and has declared that all living creatures will be blessed. →
Chapter 10
Joker: Ha ha ha! So, what did we learn in this chapter of the Bible? Batman: Well, Joker, this chapter talks about the descendants of Noah and how they spread out over the world after the Great Flood. →
Chapter 11
Batman: Robin, I believe our next mission is to investigate the Tower of Babel. Robin: It's said to be a wonder of the ancient world! Batman: That's right. In Genesis 11, the people of the world gathered together to build a tower to reach the heavens. →
Chapter 12
Batman: Holey Moley, Robin! We've just arrived at Genesis 12! Robin: Gosh, Batman, what do we have here? Batman: It looks like the Lord is asking Abram to leave his home in Haran and go to a land that he will show him. →
Chapter 13
Batman: Oh Robin, it seems we are beginning a new chapter in our adventure! In Genesis 13, we find that Abram and Lot have grown so wealthy that they have become too crowded. Robin: Yes, so they decide to separate and each go their own way. →
Chapter 14
Batman: Holy Bible, Robin! It seems that in this chapter Abraham rescues his nephew Lot and his people from captivity. Robin: Gee, Batman, that was an incredible feat! It sounds like Abraham was quite the hero! →
Chapter 15
Robin: Holy Book of Genesis, Batman! What does it say about Chapter 15? Batman: This chapter is all about a promise. The Lord appeared to Abram and promised him a great nation, descendants as numerous as the stars, and land. →
Chapter 16
Batman: Well, Robin, it looks like we have a new case! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: Genesis 16. It tells us that Sarai, Abram's wife, was unable to bear a child. So she gave her Egyptian maidservant, Hagar, to Abram to be his second wife. →
Chapter 17
(Batman and Robin are standing in the Batcave) Batman: Robin, we must read the story of Genesis 17. Robin: What has happened in this chapter, Batman? Batman: God appeared to Abram and changed his name to Abraham. →
Chapter 18
Batman: (narrating) Genesis 18: A visit from the Lord. Robin: It all starts when the Lord appears to Abraham near the oak of Mamre. Catwoman: He tells Abraham that he and Sarah will have a child. Joker: That's big news! Abraham is so happy that he invites the Lord to stay and have a meal. →
Chapter 19
Batman: Holy Narrow Escape, Robin! We must thank our lucky stars that God spared us from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah! Robin: You said it, Batman! It all started when two angels came to Sodom - right after Lot had welcomed them into his home and offered them a meal. →
Chapter 20
Batman: Robin, it's time to review the events of Genesis 20! Robin: Got it, Batman! Joker: Hey, what are you guys up to? Batman: We're summarizing the Bible chapter by chapter, Joker. This time, it's Genesis 20. →
Chapter 21
(Batman and Robin are standing in the Batcave) Batman: Robin, I believe our mission this time is to summarize the Bible. Robin: Wow, that's a tall order, Batman! Where do we start? Batman: We'll begin with Genesis 21. →
Chapter 22
Batman: "Quickly, Robin! We must hurry to the hillside of Moriah. The Lord has asked Abraham to bring his son Isaac there as a sacrifice!" Robin: "Holy sacrifice, Batman! What could the Lord want with Abraham's son?" →
Chapter 23
Joker: Ah, the Bible chapter, Genesis 23! What interesting twists and turns await us? Batman: Yes, Joker. This chapter tells of a time when Abraham was looking for a place to bury his wife, Sarah. Robin: So, Abraham went to the people of Heth and asked them to sell him a piece of land that he could use as a burial ground. →
Chapter 24
Batman: Robin, it's time for us to give a summary of Genesis 24! Robin: What's it about, Batman? Batman: Well, it's about Abraham's servant who goes to find a wife for his master's son. He prays to God for guidance and then sets out on his journey. →
Chapter 25
19-34. Batman: We begin our tale with the story of Isaac and his two sons, Jacob and Esau. Robin: But what a strange story it is! Esau was born first, but Jacob tricked his brother and got Isaac's blessing instead. →
Chapter 26
Robin: Holy jolly oats, Batman! What a riveting chapter in the Bible! Batman: Yes, indeed Robin. In Genesis 26, we learn the story of Isaac. Joker: Hehehe! Isaac had to struggle with the Philistines who were trying to take away his wells! →
Chapter 27
Batman: Robin, I have a feeling that something sinister is afoot in the Book of Genesis. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It involves Isaac and his son, Jacob. Isaac is getting old and he wants to bless his son before he passes away. →
Chapter 28
Batman: "This is a story about a young man, Robin. His name is Jacob and he gets a pretty important mission from his father Isaac." Robin: "He's gonna go to a place called Haran, isn't he?" Batman: "Indeed he is, Robin. →
Chapter 29
Batman: (To Robin) Old Jacob has arrived in the land of his father's relatives! Robin: Gosh, Batman, I hope this is a good sign! Batman: Indeed it is, my faithful ward. He meets a man named Laban, who happens to be the brother of his mother. →
Chapter 30
Batman: Well Robin, this chapter starts with Jacob getting angry with Laban for not giving him his due wages. Robin: What did he do, Batman? Batman: He prayed to God and asked Him to give him more animals to increase his flock. →
Chapter 31
Batman: Robin, we must hurry! We have to find out what's happening in the bible chapter of Genesis 31. Robin: Right away, Batman! Joker: Wait, why are you two so chipper about this? Batman: Well, Joker, Genesis 31 is the story of Jacob's return to the land of Canaan. →
Chapter 32
Batman: Old Jacob is about to face his brother Esau, whom he has not seen for many years. Robin: He's anxious, so he sends gifts ahead of him to appease Esau. He's also worried that Esau might still be angry with him, so he sends a prayer to God asking for help. →
Chapter 33
Batman: "Ah, Genesis 33, Robin. What does it tell us about the world?" Robin: "Well, Batman, it tells us about the reunion between Jacob and Esau, two brothers who had been estranged for many years." →
Chapter 34
Batman: Robin, we must hurry to the city of Shechem and prevent disaster! Robin: What’s the problem, Batman? Batman: Shechem, son of the ruler of the city, has defiled Dinah, daughter of Jacob, and now her brothers are seeking revenge. →
Chapter 35
[Batman and Robin enter the Batcave.] Batman: Ah, the Batcave. Let us review what we've learned from Genesis 35, my faithful sidekick. Robin: Of course, Batman. Jacob and his family moved to Bethel, where God reappeared to him and changed his name to Israel. →
Chapter 36
1-43 Batman: Robin, we must now turn our attention to Chapter 36 of the Bible, in which we learn of Esau's descendants. Robin: But Batman, we've already discovered that Esau was the brother of Jacob. →
Chapter 37
Batman: Robin, in the book of Genesis, Chapter 37, we find Joseph, the favored son of Jacob, becoming the victim of his jealous brothers' schemes. Robin: Oh no, Batman! What did they do? Batman: Well, Robin, it seems that his brothers were so jealous of Joseph that they sold him into slavery in Egypt. →
Chapter 38
Batman: There was once a man named Judah who had three sons. Robin: His oldest son, Er, married Tamar, but then he died. Batman: So Judah told his second son, Onan, to marry Tamar and give her a child to carry on the family name. →
Chapter 39
Batman: [Addressing Robin] Our latest mission takes us to the Bible, Robin! We must review Genesis 39. Robin: But Batman, what is this chapter about? Batman: It tells the story of Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his brothers. →
Chapter 40
Batman: Things look grim for Joseph, Robin! He's been thrown into prison on false accusations. Robin: What can we do, Batman? Batman: We'll work on getting Joseph out of prison, but first, let's see what happens next. →
Chapter 41
Batman: Robin! It appears we have a new case! Batman: Pharaoh's chief cupbearer has been freed after two years in prison, and he remembers the favor Pharaoh promised him! Robin: What favor was that, Batman? →
Chapter 42
Robin: Holy Bat-History, Batman! Our mission this week is to summarize the Bible chapter by chapter. Batman: Very observant, Robin. Let's start with Genesis 42. Joker (interrupting): Ooh, I know this one! It's the one about Joseph and his brothers. →
Chapter 43
Batman: Robin, it's time to take a look at the Book of Genesis, Chapter 43! Robin: What's going on, Batman? Batman: The brothers of Joseph have returned to Egypt to buy food. But this time, they brought Benjamin, Joseph's younger brother, with them to prove their honesty! →
Chapter 44
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! It looks like Joseph has set a trap for his brothers in Genesis 44. Batman: It sure does, Robin. Joseph put his silver cup in Benjamin's sack, and then he accused the brothers of stealing it when they were on their way out of town. →
Chapter 45
Joker: Ha ha ha! I've got a plan for you, Batman and Robin! Batman: What is it this time, Joker? Joker: I've got an important Bible lesson for you! Robin: A Bible lesson? Joker: Yes, it's from the book of Genesis, Chapter 45. →
Chapter 46
Batman: Robin, we must venture to the land of Egypt! Robin: But why, Batman? Batman: Because the Lord has told Jacob to go there and the Lord has promised Jacob that he will be blessed there. Catwoman: What is Jacob going to do in Egypt? →
Chapter 47
Joker: Ah, ah, ah, it's time for another chapter of the Bible! What do you and your trusty sidekick have in store for us today? Batman: We have Genesis 47, Robin. Robin: As Joseph's brothers bow down before him, Pharaoh makes him the ruler of all Egypt. →
Chapter 48
Robin: Holy Biblical adventure, Batman! Genesis 48 tells us that Jacob blessed Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Batman: It appears that Jacob crossed his arms when he blessed them, giving the younger son, Ephraim, the greater blessing. →
Chapter 49
Robin: Holy history, Batman! What happened in Genesis 49? Batman: Ah, Robin, it's a fascinating story. Jacob gathered all his sons together and gave each of them a prophetic blessing. Robin: Wow, what did he tell them? →
Chapter 50
Batman: I'm sorry to say, Robin, but our mission in Genesis 50 has come to an end. Robin: What happened, Batman? Batman: Joseph's brothers feared that he would take revenge on them for selling him into slavery. →