
Batman: We begin our tale with the story of Isaac and his two sons, Jacob and Esau.

Robin: But what a strange story it is! Esau was born first, but Jacob tricked his brother and got Isaac's blessing instead.

Catwoman: What a conniving character!

Batman: Indeed. Isaac then sent Esau out to find a wife, and he chose a woman from the land of Canaan.

Robin: But Isaac was not pleased with the choice and sent Jacob out to find a wife from their own people.

Riddler: What happened next, Batman?

Batman: Jacob was successful in his mission and married two women from his own people: Leah and Rachel.

Robin: But Leah was not loved by Jacob and he gave all his love to Rachel.

Penguin: So, what happened next?

Batman: Leah had four sons before Rachel had any. She named them Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah.

Robin: Rachel eventually had two sons of her own, Joseph and Benjamin.

Joker: That's quite a brood!

Batman: Indeed. Isaac then passed away at the ripe old age of 180 years.

Robin: And so concludes the tale of Isaac and his two sons, Jacob and Esau.

Catwoman: What a wild and complicated story!