Well, it's been a wild ride so far in the Bible and tonight we take a look at Genesis 25. Jacob, who you may remember from previous chapters as the son of Isaac, has been on a bit of a journey. He had to leave his home in search of a wife and now he's back. But it's not all good news. His wife, Leah, is the daughter of Laban and has given Jacob two sons, but she's not the one he wanted. Jacob's real true love is Leah's sister, Rachel, and he's been working for her dad for years to get her. Anyway, finally Laban is ready to give Rachel to Jacob in marriage, but only after he has to work seven more years. Jacob accepts and they get married, but Leah still isn't happy and she has more sons. In the end, Jacob has twelve sons and one daughter, all of whom become the twelve tribes of Israel. So, there you have it, the crazy story of Jacob and his twelve kids.