Hey, folks, this is Norm MacDonald and I'm here to talk about Genesis 16. So, it's a story about a slave-girl named Hagar, who's owned by a guy named Abram. It's not a great situation, but Abram's wife Sarai wasn't able to have children, so they decided to make a deal with Hagar. Abram says he'll make her his wife and give her a kid if she agrees to be a slave. It's a pretty messed up situation, but Hagar says yes and soon she's pregnant. Sarai doesn't like this and she gets mad at Hagar and treats her really badly. So Hagar runs away. And that's when an angel comes to Hagar and tells her to go back and that God will bless her and her son. So Hagar goes back and gives birth to a son named Ishmael. It's a rough start, but by the end, everyone seems to have worked out their issues. That's the story of Genesis 16.