Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking around. We're talking about Genesis 16. My father used to say, "it's a wild and wacky world out there, Joe." Well, I'm telling you, it's true! See here, Jack, we've got this woman, Hagar, and she's just been given the boot from her home. So, her owner tells her to go out there into the wilderness and make something of herself. C'mon, man! That's a tall order for any woman. But, she does what she's told, and she goes off into the desert. And guess what! She finds water! Literally! I mean, it was right there in the desert, no malarkey. Hagar names the place "The Well of God Who Sees Me." That's a pretty cool name. Or uh, you know, it's a nice thought, at least. But then God hears her cry, and he creates a nation out of her kid, Ishmael. Now, I tell you what, that's pretty remarkable. I mean, who would have thought that could happen? Not gonna happen, right? Excuse me, but that's not what happens. God is a powerful force, and he's got plans for this kid. So, what was that? In the end, Hagar and Ishmael are blessed by God. That's the way it goes, folks.