Folks, here's the deal. Listen, Jack, we've got the story of Isaac and his mom Sarah, right? Well, I tell you what, Sarah was getting up there in age and she had no malarkey, she wanted a baby. So God answered her prayers and gave her a son, Isaac. Then, not gonna happen - there was a bit of a problem because of this other son Abraham had, Ishmael. Here's the thing, Sarah wanted Ishmael gone and God told Abraham to do it. Abraham did it, but it was a sad day. I mean, literally, it was heartbreaking. My father used to say, "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." Well, Sarah got what she asked for and she was sad. But, God told Abraham to send Ishmael away and he did. Ishmael and his mom went away, and God took care of them. See here, Jack, God is good like that. What was that? Oh, yeah, and God made a promise to Abraham that his descendants would be blessed. Or uh, you know, it was a good thing. No malarkey. And that's Genesis 21. I'm not joking.