Hey, folks! Let me tell you about Genesis 34. See here, Jack, it's about this guy Shechem, who ya know, literally falls in love with Jacob's daughter Dinah. Now, Shechem's dad Hamor, he's pretty well-off, so he goes to Jacob and ask him to let Shechem marry Dinah. Well, Jacob's sons, they don't like the idea one bit. I mean, c'mon, man! They decide to trick Hamor and Shechem into getting circumcised. Now, you know, my father used to say that you can't trust a circumcised man, but I'm not sure why. Anyway, while they're all recovering, the sons of Jacob come in and pillage the city. That's right, folks, they literally just take all the property and livestock. What was that? Oh, I know what you're thinking, but no malarkey, this is actually in the Bible. Or uh, you know, at least that's what I heard. Well, after that, Jacob's sons are like, "no way we're gonna let Shechem marry Dinah" and Hamor and Shechem are like, "not gonna happen". So, I tell you what, this is one of those stories where nobody wins. Excuse me, but that's just the way it goes.