Listen, Jack, it's a real doozy of a chapter here in Genesis 32. C'mon, man! It's got the whole shebang -- a wrestling match, a bargain, a name change. Here's the deal: Jacob is on his way back home, and he's got a whole host of worries. See, he's got two wives, and two sets of kids, and his brother Esau is coming to meet him, and he doesn't know how it's gonna go down. So Jacob goes out to pray, and literally wrestles with God all night. In the morning, the man he's wrestling with blesses him and gives him a new name: Israel. So Jacob tries to bargain with God, but God's not having it. No malarkey! My father used to say, "you can't outsmart the Almighty"! Jacob tries to talk God into a deal but God says, "Uh, you know, not gonna happen." So then Jacob asks for a blessing and God gives it to him. But it's not over yet! When Jacob gets back home, he still has to meet his brother. I'm not joking, folks -- it's gonna be a wild ride. See here, Jack, this is the Bible, so you know it's gonna turn out alright, but what was that? Excuse me, it's gonna be a real barnburner.