Fall in, maggots! We got a story here about a dude named Jacob who was about to meet up with his brother Esau who he hadn't seen in 20 years. Jacob was scared because he was the one who did Esau wrong by tricking him out of his birthright. So he sent some of his servants ahead to try to patch things up with Esau, but it didn't work. When Jacob found out that Esau was coming with 400 men, he got really scared. He divided up his family and livestock into two groups so that if Esau attacked, he wouldn't be able to take everything. That night, Jacob was alone and he wrestled with an angel all night. The angel touched Jacob's hip and it was permanently injured after that. Jacob named the place Peniel, which means "face of God." In the morning, Jacob sent gifts to Esau and the two brothers were reconciled.