Peter: Alright, so in this chapter, Jacob is about to meet his brother Esau, who he hasn't seen in a long time. So he's a bit scared, ya know? So he sends a bunch of gifts ahead to Esau, and then he stays up all night wrestling with an angel.

Lois: Wrestling with an angel? That sounds like a bad reality show.

Peter: Yeah, it's like the Bachelor meets Gladiators. Anyway, the angel gives Jacob a new name, Israel, and then Jacob is on his way to meet Esau.

Brian: So what happens when they meet?

Peter: Well, Esau is kinda mad at first, but then he's all like, "It's cool, man. I forgive you." and he gives Jacob a hug and a kiss.

Stewie: Oh, how sweet. I'm just glad that it all worked out.

Peter: Yeah, me too. I mean, it's a good lesson to learn that even if you mess up, you can still make things right. You just gotta be willing to take the first step.

Lois: Yeah, that's true. Now, what about the rest of the chapter?

Peter: Oh yeah, so then Jacob and Esau go their separate ways, and Jacob spends the night in a place called Mahanaim.

Brian: That sounds like a sequel to a Marvel movie.

Peter: Yeah, it's like Avengers: Mahanaim.