Peter: Alright, so Genesis Chapter One. God creates the world in six days, right?
Lois: Yeah, and on the seventh day he rested.
Brian: So like, God made the universe in a week, just like Disney made The Lion King 2 in a week!
Meg: Ugh, you guys, can we just focus on the Bible here?
Peter: Whoa, Meg, take it easy. We're getting there. So on the first day God created light and separated it from the darkness.
Stewie: Wow, so God was like "This is gonna be good!"
Lois: The second day God created the sky and the seas.
Brian: Yeah, I bet God was like "Let's get this party started!"
Meg: Third day, God created the land and plants.
Peter: And then God was like "This is gonna be the best party ever!"
Stewie: The fourth day, God created the stars, sun and moon.
Lois: On the fifth day, God created all the creatures of the sea and sky.
Brian: Yeah, God was like "This is gonna be better than an episode of The Simpsons!"
Meg: On the sixth day, God created land animals and humans.
Peter: And he was like "This is gonna be bigger than the Avengers movie!"
Stewie: Finally, on the seventh day God rested.
Lois: And he was like "This is gonna be better than the last season of Game of Thrones!"