Alex Trebek: "So, tell me a bit about yourself!"
Contestant: "Well, I'm an avid reader and Bible scholar, so I'd like to share a bit of my knowledge with you. For instance, I can summarize the Bible, chapter by chapter. Let's start with Genesis 1."
Alex Trebek: *sighs* "Go ahead then."
Contestant: "Genesis 1 describes the creation of the world. On the first day, God created light, and on the second day, He created the sky and the seas. On the third day, He created the land, plants, and trees. On the fourth day, He created the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day, He created the fish, birds, and other creatures of the sea and air. On the sixth day, He created the animals and mankind. Finally, on the seventh day, God rested, and blessed the day as a day of rest for man."
Alex Trebek: *trying to stay patient* "What an interesting summary. So, uh, what other hobbies do you have?"
Contestant: "Oh, I'm also really into reading about the Bible. Would you like me to tell you about Genesis 2?"