Alex: "So, tell me a bit about yourself!"
Contestant: "Well, I'd like to start by summarizing Genesis 6. In it, we learn that God was displeased with the wickedness of mankind, so He decided to send a great flood to wipe out all living creatures. To preserve mankind, He instructed Noah to build an ark and gather two of every kind of animal. After the waters receded, God made a covenant with Noah and his descendants, promising never to send another flood to destroy the earth."
Alex (through gritted teeth): "Um, that's...very interesting. Moving on, what do you like to do in your free time?"
Contestant: "Oh, I also wanted to mention that in the flood, all the animals were separated into clean and unclean, and Noah was instructed to only bring two of each of the clean animals into the ark. And then after the flood, God told Noah that he and his descendants could eat any of the clean animals, but not the unclean."
Alex (trying to remain polite): "Uh, yes. So, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?"
Contestant: "Oh, and also, God made a rainbow as a sign of His promise to never flood the earth again. And He commanded Noah and his descendants to be fruitful and multiply."
Alex (clearly exasperated): "Right. So, what hobbies do you have?"
Contestant: "Oh, and finally, God gave mankind permission to eat meat, but instructed them to never eat blood."
Alex (with a forced smile): "Ah, yes. So, what brings you joy?"
Contestant: "Reading the Bible and learning about its stories!"