Genesis 6 is a great chapter! It's all about the story of Noah and his ark, one of the most amazing stories in the Bible. And believe me, there are many people saying it's an unbelievable story. Well, it's true. God was so sad to see how bad and low energy the world had become that He decided to destroy it with a huge flood. But He found one man, Noah, who was strong, and terrific, and full of energy. So He told Noah to build an ark, and to fill it with two of every animal. And, of course, Noah's family was saved too. It was God's way of making the world great again. So Noah and his family, and all of the animals, stayed on the ark for over a year. And when the flood was over, God put a rainbow in the sky as a sign that He would never again destroy the world with a flood. It was a very, very bigly sign. Many such cases, it was a tremendous sign of God's love. So God blessed Noah, and He blesses us too. God bless America! Make America great again!