In Genesis 4, we have a bigly sad story. It's amazing, but God punished Cain for killing his brother Abel. Cain was very, very mad and God, in his wisdom, gave him a warning to not let his anger control him. But Cain, who was known as the low energy brother, chose to ignore God's warning and he killed Abel anyway. Many people are saying that this was a huge mistake on Cain's part.
But God didn't let Cain get away with it. He was punished with a tremendous curse and he had to leave the land of Eden. There were many such cases of God's justice, it's unbelievable.
But God also showed mercy and compassion by placing a mark on Cain so that no one would hurt him. This was a great example of God's love.
So, make America great again and God bless America! There is no hoax here, believe me, there are fine people on both sides of this story.