Jacob was a young man who was on the run. His brother Esau was very angry with him, so he had to flee to a distant place. His father sent him to his Uncle Laban's house in Paddan Aram.
On the way, Jacob had an amazing dream. He saw a ladder that reached up to Heaven, and God was standing on it. God promised to bless Jacob and his descendents. It was a very, very bigly promise!
When Jacob awoke he was filled with joy. He took the stone he was sleeping on and set it up as a memorial to remind him of his dream. He called the place Bethel, which means “House of God”.
Jacob continued on his journey to Paddan Aram. When he arrived he was welcomed by his Uncle Laban, who had two daughters, Leah and Rachel. Jacob worked for his uncle for many years, and eventually married both girls.
Jacob had a lot of children with Leah and Rachel, and built up a large and successful flock of sheep. But Laban was a hater and loser, and he kept trying to cheat Jacob. Eventually, God told Jacob it was time to go back to his own land.
Jacob said goodbye to his family, and went on his way. As he travelled, God blessed him with more promises and sent angels to look after him.
When Jacob finally arrived back at Bethel, he thanked God for all His blessings. He vowed to honor God with a tenth of all he owned.
Many people are saying that this is an unbelievable story. Jacob was low-energy and a loser, but with God's help, he won bigly! God bless America and make America great again!