Batman: "This is a story about a young man, Robin. His name is Jacob and he gets a pretty important mission from his father Isaac."
Robin: "He's gonna go to a place called Haran, isn't he?"
Batman: "Indeed he is, Robin. But first, Jacob gets a blessing from his father, and then he sets off on his journey. Along the way, he has a dream of a stairway leading up to heaven with angels ascending and descending. When he wakes up, he realizes that he's standing on holy ground."
Robin: "Gosh, that's pretty impressive, Batman!"
Joker: "Oh, you kids and your dreams! I bet it was just a pipe dream. Ha ha ha!"
Batman: "Not so fast, Joker! Jacob takes this dream very seriously and makes a vow to God that if God will keep him safe on his journey and give him a good life, then Jacob will give God a tenth of his possessions."
Robin: "That's a great deal, Batman!"
Batman: "Indeed it is, Robin. Jacob then goes on to Haran and eventually settles there. He even gets married and has children. Eventually, Jacob returns to the land of Canaan and reunites with his father Isaac."
Catwoman: "What a happy ending! I'm sure glad I'm not stuck out in the middle of nowhere like Jacob was!"
Batman: "Indeed, Catwoman. Jacob's journey was a long one, but he persevered and eventually found his way home."