Batman: Robin, it's time to review the events of Genesis 20!

Robin: Got it, Batman!

Joker: Hey, what are you guys up to?

Batman: We're summarizing the Bible chapter by chapter, Joker. This time, it's Genesis 20.

Joker: Ooh, sounds intriguing!

Robin: Abimelech, the king of Gerar, had taken Sarah, Abraham's wife, for himself. But then God appeared to Abimelech in a dream and told him to return Sarah and not to touch her, because she was already married.

Batman: Abimelech was terrified and returned Sarah to Abraham. He also gave Abraham gifts and offered him a special place to live in his own land.

Joker: What a generous guy!

Robin: Yes, Abimelech even offered Abraham sheep, oxen, and servants.

Batman: But that's not all. God also healed Abimelech and his household because of Abraham's prayer.

Joker: Wow, that's a lot of drama!

Robin: It sure is! And that's the summary of Genesis 20.