Batman: (narrating) Genesis 18: A visit from the Lord.

Robin: It all starts when the Lord appears to Abraham near the oak of Mamre.

Catwoman: He tells Abraham that he and Sarah will have a child.

Joker: That's big news! Abraham is so happy that he invites the Lord to stay and have a meal.

Batman: The Lord accepts the invitation and tells Abraham that He will return in nine months to see the baby.

Penguin: Meanwhile, the Lord tells Abraham that He is going to destroy Sodom, Gomorrah and their neighbouring cities because of their wickedness.

Riddler: But Abraham is brave and speaks up for the people of Sodom, asking the Lord not to destroy them if there are any righteous people living there.

Batman: The Lord agrees and promises to spare the cities if there are fifty righteous people living there.

Robin: Abraham continues to plead with the Lord and eventually the Lord agrees to spare the cities if there are only ten righteous people living there.

Catwoman: The Lord then leaves and Abraham returns home.

Joker: Talk about a wild adventure!