Batman: Robin, we must hurry! We have to find out what's happening in the bible chapter of Genesis 31.

Robin: Right away, Batman!

Joker: Wait, why are you two so chipper about this?

Batman: Well, Joker, Genesis 31 is the story of Jacob's return to the land of Canaan.

Robin: That's right. Jacob had been living in the land of Haran for almost two decades, but God told him it was time to go back.

Joker: What's so interesting about that?

Batman: Ah, but Jacob had to face Laban, his father-in-law, who was angry with him.

Robin: Luckily, God stepped in and helped the situation. He told Laban to let Jacob go, and so Jacob and his family headed back to Canaan.

Joker: Hmm, I guess God really does have a plan for everything!

Batman: Indeed he does, Joker. Indeed he does.