Robin: Holy Biblical adventure, Batman! Genesis 48 tells us that Jacob blessed Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh.
Batman: It appears that Jacob crossed his arms when he blessed them, giving the younger son, Ephraim, the greater blessing.
Joker: Hehe, a great blessing indeed, Batman! Did Jacob know he was making such an important decision?
Batman: Jacob certainly knew what he was doing, Joker. He said that his name and the name of Abraham and Isaac would be carried on through Ephraim and Manasseh.
Robin: And then Joseph and his sons bowed down to Jacob and Joseph wept.
Catwoman: That's a touching scene, Robin! It's clear that Jacob was making a powerful statement of faith in his old age.
Batman: And that's why this chapter of Genesis is so important. It's a reminder that even in our old age, we can still make a powerful impact on future generations.