Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! It looks like Joseph has set a trap for his brothers in Genesis 44.
Batman: It sure does, Robin. Joseph put his silver cup in Benjamin's sack, and then he accused the brothers of stealing it when they were on their way out of town.
Joker: Ha ha ha! I love it when a plan comes together.
Batman: Not so fast, Joker. Joseph's brothers were innocent, and they were willing to suffer the consequences of the false accusation. They even offered to be slaves in Egypt instead of Benjamin, who was the one accused of stealing.
Robin: Wow, that's noble of them.
Batman: Indeed, Robin. Joseph was so moved by their willingness to sacrifice themselves that he finally revealed himself to them.
Catwoman: That was a smart move on his part.
Batman: Yes, it was. Joseph reunited with his brothers and invited them to stay in Egypt with him.
Joker: What a happy ending!
Batman: Indeed, Joker. The power of family is strong.