Joker: Ah, the Bible chapter, Genesis 23! What interesting twists and turns await us?

Batman: Yes, Joker. This chapter tells of a time when Abraham was looking for a place to bury his wife, Sarah.

Robin: So, Abraham went to the people of Heth and asked them to sell him a piece of land that he could use as a burial ground.

Joker: But the Hittites offered him a piece of land for free!

Batman: That's right, Joker. But Abraham refused, insisting that he must pay for the land in order to acquire it properly.

Robin: So, the Hittites agreed, and Abraham paid them four hundred shekels of silver for the land.

Joker: What a generous man!

Batman: Indeed, Joker. And so, Abraham was able to bury Sarah in the land that he had purchased.