• Chapter 1

    1-11 Batman: (narrating) Previously on Batman... Robin: Yeah, things were looking pretty grim. But then it happened. Joker: What happened? Batman: Our Lord Jesus, after being seen by the apostles for forty days, was taken up into heaven.

  • Chapter 2

    Batman: Old King Agrippa has been brought back to life! Robin: Golly, Batman! How did that happen? Batman: It's all thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit! The apostles were filled with it and began to speak in various languages, so that everyone there could understand them.

  • Chapter 3

    Robin: Holy truth, Batman! Something incredible happened in the temple! Batman: What is it, Robin? Robin: Peter and John cured a man who had been lame since birth! Joker: Ha ha ha! What a miracle! Batman: That's right, Joker.

  • Chapter 4

    (Batman and Robin enter) Batman: "Greetings, old chum! It looks like we've got a new case to solve - this time from the book of Acts. In Chapter 4, we're introduced to Peter and John, two of Jesus' closest followers, as they are on their way to the temple.

  • Chapter 5

    Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! It looks like something strange is going on in the Bible! Batman: That's right, Robin. In Acts 5, we find out an interesting story about a couple named Ananias and Sapphira.

  • Chapter 6

    1-7. Batman: Robin, we must continue our mission to summarize the Bible chapter by chapter. What do we have in store for us today? Robin: It's Acts 6, Batman. The twelve disciples of Jesus are having a problem.

  • Chapter 7

    Batman: We have received a report that a man named Stephen is being brought before the Sanhedrin to stand trial. Robin: The Sanhedrin, huh? Sounds serious. Catwoman: That's because it is. They're accusing Stephen of blasphemy.

  • Chapter 8

    1-40. Batman: Robin, it's time for another chapter in the Bible! This time, it's Acts 8:1-40. Robin: That's a tricky one, Batman! What's happening in this chapter? Batman: Well, after the martyrdom of Stephen, the church was scattered, and the apostles stayed in Jerusalem.

  • Chapter 9

    Robin: Boy, Batman, Saul sure made a dramatic transformation! Batman: Yes, indeed, Robin. He went from being one of the most vocal persecutors of Christianity to its most passionate advocate. Joker: What a twit!

  • Chapter 10

    1-11:18 Batman: 'Holy unexpected twist, Robin! The apostle Peter has been summoned to the home of a Gentile named Cornelius in Caesarea. He was instructed to go and share the gospel with Cornelius and his household.

  • Chapter 11

    Robin: Holy Toledo, Batman! It looks like Peter has been called to give a report on all the amazing things that have been happening since Jesus left the earth. Batman: Yes, it is quite a story, Robin.

  • Chapter 12

    Robin: Holy biblical summary, Batman! What happened in chapter 12 of the book of Acts? Batman: It was a wild ride, Robin! The chapter starts with King Herod arresting some of the church leaders in Jerusalem, including James, the brother of John.

  • Chapter 13

    Batman: Greetings, old chum! In the book of Acts, Chapter 13, we find ourselves in the city of Pisidian Antioch. Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! We are in the midst of Paul's first missionary journey.

  • Chapter 14

    Batman: Robin, we must save the people of Lystra from the evil that befalls them! Robin: What evil is that, Batman? Batman: They have been misled by false prophets who are preaching against Paul and Barnabas.

  • Chapter 15

    Robin: Holy Explosive Discussion, Batman! It looks like the apostles had a doozy of a debate over the issue of circumcision! Batman: That's right, Robin. At the Council of Jerusalem, the apostles discussed whether circumcision was necessary for Gentiles to be saved.

  • Chapter 16

    Batman: Greetings, Robin! We have arrived at Acts 16 in the Bible! Robin: What do we have in store for us this chapter, Batman? Batman: We’re in for a wild ride, Robin! Paul and Silas have been journeying across Asia Minor, sharing the Good News of the gospel!

  • Chapter 17

    Batman: Robin, we've arrived in Athens, and the locals here seem to be quite taken with some new ideas. Robin: Holy intellectual enlightenment, Batman! What kind of ideas are they discussing? Batman: It seems the Apostle Paul has been preaching about the one true God, Jesus Christ, and his message of salvation.

  • Chapter 18

    Joker: Ha ha ha! What mischief can I get up to today? Batman: Not today, Joker! Our attention is elsewhere. We must look to Acts 18 in the Bible. Robin: That's right, Batman. In this chapter, the apostle Paul is in Corinth, preaching to the Jews.

  • Chapter 19

    Batman: Robin, the book of Acts is continuing, and this chapter is all about the Apostle Paul. Robin: Right you are, Batman. This is the 19th chapter. In this one, Paul travels to Ephesus, where there are some folks who are still skeptical about Christianity.

  • Chapter 20

    Batman: Robin, it's time to review the twentieth chapter of Acts! Robin: Oh boy, should I get the Bat-Bible? Batman: Yes, Robin. But first, let's review the events of the previous chapter. Robin: In the nineteenth chapter, Paul set sail for Macedonia, where he met up with Timothy.

  • Chapter 21

    1-36 Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What happened in Acts 21? Batman: After Paul met with the disciples in Jerusalem, they warned him not to go to the temple out of fear he'd be arrested and killed. Joker: Oh, this sounds like fun!

  • Chapter 22

    Batman: "Robin, something strange is happening! We're getting reports that a man named Paul is being arrested in Jerusalem. We'd better check it out!" Robin: "Holy histrionics, Batman! What could be going on?"

  • Chapter 23

    Batman: Robin, something strange is happening in Jerusalem! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: Paul has been arrested for speaking out against the high priest Ananias. Joker: Ha ha ha! It appears Paul is in a bit of a pickle!

  • Chapter 24

    Batman: Robin, something is afoot in the city. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It appears that Paul has been brought before the governor, Felix. Catwoman: How intriguing! What does the wily Paul have to say for himself?

  • Chapter 25

    Batman: Robin, something strange is happening! It seems that Paul is on trial before the corrupt Festus, the Roman governor of Judea. Robin: Yes, Batman! It looks like Festus has been trying to get Paul to go to Jerusalem for trial, but Paul appeals to Caesar instead.

  • Chapter 26

    Batman: Robin, we have reached the final chapter of Acts, the 26th. Robin: That's right, Batman! It begins with King Agrippa and Governor Festus discussing Paul's case. Joker: What, no fun and games like in the other chapters?

  • Chapter 27

    Batman: Greetings, Robin! We have just arrived at the island of Malta, but the voyage was dangerous! Robin: What happened, Batman? Batman: Well, the ship was caught in a violent storm that stared to break it apart! We were finally able to make it to Malta, where we were greeted by the natives!

  • Chapter 28

    Batman: Now that we have arrived in Rome, Robin, our mission is to spread the good news of the gospel! Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! What a thrilling task! Batman: Indeed, Robin! Paul was welcomed by the Jewish leaders in Rome and he told them about Jesus and the salvation he brings.