Batman: 'Holy unexpected twist, Robin! The apostle Peter has been summoned to the home of a Gentile named Cornelius in Caesarea. He was instructed to go and share the gospel with Cornelius and his household.'
Robin: 'Gosh, that's quite the surprise! I wonder why God would have Peter go preach to a Gentile.'
Joker: 'Hahaha! I can't believe it. Who would've thought that God would send an apostle to preach to a Gentile? That's rich!'
Batman: 'The Lord has a plan for everyone, Joker! Cornelius and his household were already devoted to God, so Peter was sent to tell them about Jesus and his salvation.'
Robin: 'What happened when Peter arrived?'
Batman: 'When Peter arrived, Cornelius and his household were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began speaking in tongues, just like the apostles did in the book of Acts. Peter was amazed and asked how this could happen to non-Jews.'
Joker: 'That's hilarious! I can't believe it! How did Peter respond?'
Batman: 'Peter realized that God was no respecter of persons, and he accepted Cornelius and his household into the church. Peter then explained to the Jews who were present that God had made no distinction between them and the Gentiles.'
Robin: 'That's incredible! It's a good thing God has no partiality.'
Batman: 'Indeed, Robin! When the Jews heard this, they were astonished and glorified God for his mercy. They accepted the truth and praised God for what he had done.'
Joker: 'What happened next?'
Batman: 'The apostles and brethren in Jerusalem heard about what had happened and were shocked. But when Peter told them the whole story, they praised God and rejoiced.'