Batman: Robin, we have reached the final chapter of Acts, the 26th.
Robin: That's right, Batman! It begins with King Agrippa and Governor Festus discussing Paul's case.
Joker: What, no fun and games like in the other chapters?
Batman: Not this time, Joker. Paul makes his defense, telling the story of his conversion to Christianity, and how he was chosen to be an apostle.
Catwoman: So it's a story of faith, is it?
Batman: That's right, Catwoman. Agrippa and Festus agree that Paul is innocent, but the Jews object, so they appeal to Caesar.
Riddler: So Paul is off to Rome?
Robin: That's right, Riddler. He and his companions set sail for Rome, and the chapter ends with them near the island of Malta.
Penguin: So, that's the end of Acts?
Batman: That's right, Penguin. Paul and his companions will continue their journey to Rome in the next book of the Bible, Romans.