Batman: Greetings, old chum! In the book of Acts, Chapter 13, we find ourselves in the city of Pisidian Antioch.
Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! We are in the midst of Paul's first missionary journey.
Batman: Precisely, Robin. Paul and Barnabas have arrived and are invited to the synagogue to preach.
Catwoman: Oh, my! I'm sure Paul and Barnabas had some exciting things to say!
Batman: Indeed they did, Catwoman. Paul preached a sermon recounting the history of Israel, and then made a bold declaration of Jesus' coming to save people from their sins.
Riddler: So, they were trying to convert people to Christianity?
Batman: Exactly, Riddler. The people in the synagogue were so moved by Paul's words that they begged him to come back the following week and preach again.
Penguin: But surely not everyone was so receptive?
Batman: You're right, Penguin. There were some who opposed Paul and Barnabas, and so the two missionaries left the synagogue and continued on their journey.