Robin: Holy Toledo, Batman! It looks like Peter has been called to give a report on all the amazing things that have been happening since Jesus left the earth.

Batman: Yes, it is quite a story, Robin. He begins by talking about how a group of prophets from Judea, who were also followers of Jesus, were sent to Antioch.

Joker: Ho-ho-ho! What happened next?

Robin: Well, Joker, it seems that the people there were so moved by Peter's words that they were baptized and became followers of Jesus!

Catwoman: Meow! So what did the people of Judea have to say about all this?

Batman: They were not pleased at first, but then they heard an account from some of the people who had witnessed everything that had happened, and they became believers too.

Riddler: Riddle me this: what did the apostles decide to do next?

Robin: They decided to send Barnabas to Antioch to encourage the new believers. He was so successful that the church there grew and flourished!