Joe: Alright, so we're here with our Bible Expert to discuss the 11th chapter of Acts. What's going on in this one?
Bible Expert: Well, Joe, in this chapter, we see the apostles preaching the gospel in Antioch and the conversion of Gentiles to Christianity. This was an unprecedented event, as it had never before been accepted that Gentiles could be saved by faith in Jesus.
Joe: Whoa, that's wild! So, what happened when the Jews heard about this?
Bible Expert: When the Jews heard about it, they were initially skeptical and angry. But then Barnabas, one of the apostles, went to Jerusalem to explain what had happened and the other apostles accepted it.
Joe: Wow, so this was a big deal! What was the response from the Gentiles?
Bible Expert: The response from the Gentiles was tremendous. They were filled with joy and amazed at the power of God's grace. They were deeply moved by the message of salvation and believed wholeheartedly in Jesus.
Joe: That's amazing! So, how did the church in Antioch respond to this?
Bible Expert: The church in Antioch responded by sending Barnabas and Saul to preach the gospel in other parts of the world. They were sent out by the Holy Spirit and became the first missionaries.
Joe: Whoa, that's incredible! So, what did the church in Antioch do after that?
Bible Expert: After that, the church in Antioch continued to preach the gospel and grow in numbers. They became a model for other churches and eventually the Christian faith spread all over the world.