Joe: Alright, so what's going on in Acts 21?

Bible Expert: Well, it starts off with Paul getting ready to go to Jerusalem. He and his companions traveled through the region of Phoenicia and Samaria, telling people about the conversion of the Gentiles. Everywhere they went, they were warmly welcomed.

Joe: Wow, that's awesome! So what happened when they got to Jerusalem?

Bible Expert: When they got there, the church leaders were concerned about Paul and the rumors they had heard about him. They wanted to show that Paul still supported the law of Moses, so they asked him to take part in a purification ritual. Paul agreed and completed the ritual.

Joe: Interesting. What happened next?

Bible Expert: After that, some Jews from Asia Minor recognized Paul and stirred up a riot. They accused him of bringing a Gentile into the temple, which was forbidden by Jewish law. The soldiers stepped in and arrested Paul, but were unable to find any evidence of wrongdoing.

Joe: That's wild. So what happened after that?

Bible Expert: The Roman commander had Paul flogged and interrogated him, but Paul insisted that he had done nothing wrong. He asked to speak before the crowd, but they were so angry that they refused to listen. The commander had Paul put in prison and arranged for him to be sent to the governor in Caesarea.