Joe: Alright, so what's happening in Acts 5?
Bible Expert: Well, Acts 5 is all about a man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira. They were part of the early Church and had decided to give some of their possessions to the Church, but they lied to the apostles by claiming it was all of their possessions, when in fact they had kept some for themselves.
Joe: Woah, that's crazy! What happened when the apostles found out?
Bible Expert: Well, the apostles didn't take kindly to their lie and God struck them down as punishment. Ananias died immediately and Sapphira died shortly after.
Joe: Wow, that's pretty intense! What happened after that?
Bible Expert: After that, people in the Church were terrified and the word of God spread even further. There were many more healings, signs, and wonders. The apostles were arrested again and the angel of the Lord freed them.
Joe: Amazing! What else happened in the chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, the apostles continued to preach the Gospel and were arrested and flogged by the council. But they kept preaching and were eventually released. The chapter ends with a note that the church was growing and the word of God was spreading.