Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Acts 7. What does this chapter tell us?
Bible Expert: Well, Acts 7 is the story of Stephen, the first Christian martyr. He's brought before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council, and he is accused of blaspheming against Moses and God. Stephen then gives a lengthy speech in which he outlines the history of Israel from the time of Abraham to the present.
Joe: Wow! That's a lot of history. Let's break it down. What does Stephen say about Abraham?
Bible Expert: Stephen talks about how God promised Abraham to make him the father of many nations, how he sent him to Canaan and gave him the land, and how Abraham's descendants were eventually enslaved in Egypt.
Joe: That's wild! What did God do to free them?
Bible Expert: God sent Moses to free the Israelites from slavery and bring them to the promised land. Stephen then talks about how Moses was rejected by the people and how God then sent prophets to warn the people about their sin.
Joe: What did the prophets say?
Bible Expert: The prophets warned the people to turn away from their sin and turn back to God. They also promised a coming Messiah who would save the people from their sin and restore them to God's favor.
Joe: Alright. What else does Stephen talk about?
Bible Expert: Stephen then talks about how this promised Messiah, Jesus, was rejected by the people and ultimately crucified. He then says that God has raised Jesus from the dead and has exalted him to the highest place of honor.
Joe: Whoa! That's intense. What's the reaction of the Sanhedrin?
Bible Expert: The Sanhedrin is infuriated at Stephen's words and have him arrested and stoned to death.
Joe: Wow. That's crazy. So this chapter tells us the story of Stephen and his bravery in standing up for his faith.
Bible Expert: That's right. This chapter is a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up for our faith no matter the cost.