Joe: Alright, I'm here with Bible Expert, Dr. John Smith and we're going to talk about the book of Acts, Chapter 13. Now, what's going on in this chapter?

Dr. Smith: This chapter is all about Paul and Barnabas being sent out on a mission to share the good news of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles.

Joe: Whoa! That's pretty intense. So, what do they do?

Dr. Smith: Well, they start at Antioch and they travel around the region and preach in the synagogues. They also perform miracles and healings as signs of their message.

Joe: Wow! So, what happens next?

Dr. Smith: They eventually travel to the island of Cyprus and then on to the city of Paphos, where they encounter a sorcerer named Bar-Jesus. He tries to oppose them, but Paul blinds him with the power of God.

Joe: That's insane! So, what happens after that?

Dr. Smith: They continue their journey and preach the good news in several cities. They also confront a Roman proconsul, who refuses to believe in the Christian message.

Joe: Interesting. So, what's the outcome of this mission?

Dr. Smith: The mission is successful as many people came to believe in Jesus and were baptized. Paul and Barnabas then return to Antioch with joy and gladness.