Batman: We have received a report that a man named Stephen is being brought before the Sanhedrin to stand trial.

Robin: The Sanhedrin, huh? Sounds serious.

Catwoman: That's because it is. They're accusing Stephen of blasphemy.

Batman: Blasphemy? What did he do?

Riddler: That's just it. He's been telling people about Jesus, and the Sanhedrin doesn't like it.

Penguin: So they've decided to put him on trial.

Batman: But Stephen isn't without a defense. He's able to give a lengthy speech about the history of the Jews, starting with Abraham, and how God has led them throughout the ages.

Robin: The Sanhedrin isn't pleased with Stephen's speech, and they drag him out of the city to stone him.

Joker: But even in his final moments, Stephen is able to forgive the men who are about to kill him.

Catwoman: It's a powerful moment and a testament to Stephen's faith.

Batman: Indeed. We must remember Stephen's example and stand up for what we believe in, no matter the cost.