Folks, here's the deal: I'm gonna tell you about what happened in Acts 7. My father used to say that the Bible is a real page-turner and this chapter is no exception. Stephen, a man full of faith, was brought before the Jewish Council. See here, Jack, he was accused of speaking against the Temple and Moses and they were not happy. So what was that, the Council tried to trap him with their words? No malarkey! That's right, they asked him questions and tried to get him to contradict himself. But Stephen was too smart for them and he quoted scripture and talked about the history of the Israelites. Literally, he went back centuries in his story and it was impressive. So then the Council got mad and dragged Stephen out of the city and stoned him. But that was not the end of it. See, Stephen prayed for his murderers and asked God to forgive them. Now that's a real man of faith. So c'mon, man, let's remember Stephen's courage and his faith in God!