
Folks! See here, Jack, I'm gonna tell you about Acts 1. C'mon, man! This is the story of Jesus ascending to Heaven and the Holy Spirit descending upon the apostles. Listen, Jack, it's a wild ride! So, uh, you know, Jesus instructed the apostles to stay in Jerusalem until they received the Holy Spirit. He said they would be empowered to spread the Gospel and his message of salvation. No malarkey! My father used to say, the only thing worth doing in life is spreading the good news of the Lord. I'm not joking, see?

So, the apostles remained in Jerusalem, waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit. The Lord told them to stay there and not to leave until they were given power from on high. See? Here's the deal, Jack: Jesus instructed them to go and make disciples of all nations. He said they would be his witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Literally!

And then, after Jesus said this, he was taken up into Heaven. What was that? I tell you what, he was lifted up in a cloud that blocked their view. Excuse me? Sure, they were still able to hear the sound of a trumpet. Not gonna happen! Anyways, the apostles watched until Jesus had disappeared from their sight.

And then, two angels appeared. They asked the apostles why they were standing there, staring into the sky. I mean, really? The angels reminded them that Jesus had told them he would return to Heaven. That's right. And then, the angels told them to go back to Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit.

And that's the story of Acts 1. I mean, can you believe it? This is the story of Jesus' ascension and the Holy Spirit's descent. No malarkey! I tell you what, it's a wild ride.