Peter: Alright, so this is Acts 1. So we see Jesus ascend into Heaven, and then the 11 Apostles decide to replace Judas with Matthias.
Stewie: Oh great, more religion. Can we get back to talking about the Kardashians?
Brian: Ugh, Stewie, not now. This is important stuff!
Peter: Yeah, Stewie, this is serious. So then the Apostles all go back to Jerusalem, and they go to the upper room and wait for the Holy Spirit to come down.
Stewie: Oh, so like when the aliens come down in E.T.?
Brian: No, Stewie, not like E.T., it's nothing like that!
Peter: So then the Holy Spirit comes and they all start speaking in tongues and they start preaching and teaching the gospel.
Stewie: Is this like when they start talking in tongues in that one episode of the X-Files?
Brian: No, Stewie, this is completely different!
Peter: So then they go out and spread the gospel and preach to the crowds and do miracles and signs. And that's it for Acts 1!
Stewie: Well, that was kind of boring. Can we go back to talking about the Kardashians now?
Brian: No, Stewie, we can't. We have to keep reading the Bible!