Peter: Alright, this chapter is all about a guy named Lazarus. Apparently, he was dead and Jesus brought him back to life! It was like a scene out of Weekend at Bernie's!
Lois: Wow, that's amazing! So what happened after that?
Peter: Well, the religious leaders were really mad. They even had Peter and John thrown in jail, but an angel of the Lord came to their rescue. It was like something straight out of a Superman movie!
Lois: That's incredible! What happened after that?
Peter: The religious leaders tried to make them stop preaching about Jesus, but they wouldn't listen. So the religious leaders made a law that said that no one was allowed to talk about Jesus. It was like something out of a John Hughes movie!
Lois: That's terrible! What happened after that?
Peter: Well, the believers still kept preaching about Jesus, and the religious leaders were even more angry. But then God helped the believers by giving them courage and strength. It was like something out of a Rocky movie!
Lois: Wow, what an amazing story!