
Peter: Alright, so in Acts 9, Saul is on the way to Damascus to persecute Christians and then BAM! He gets hit with a bright light from heaven, falls to the ground and hears a voice.

Brian: Oh my God, it's like that time I got hit in the head with a meteorite, and then I had to go to the hospital.

Peter: Yeah, but this is Saul, not you. Anyhow, Saul is like, "Who are you, Lord?" and God's like, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting."

Joe: Hey, I think that's like that episode of The Simpsons when Homer sees God in the clouds!

Peter: Yeah, but this isn't The Simpsons, Joe. Saul is terrified, and God tells him to go to Damascus and wait for instructions.

Quagmire: I gotta say, sounds like a pretty wild ride. Reminds me of the time I went to Six Flags and rode the rollercoaster!

Peter: Yeah, yeah, Quagmire. Anyhow, Saul gets to Damascus, but he's temporarily blinded and needs to be led around.

Cleveland: Oh, man. I feel like this happened to me once when I got lost in the woods and had to find my way out.

Peter: Uh, yeah Cleveland, but this is Saul. Anyhow, Ananias is sent by God to pray for Saul, and he's able to see again. Then Saul is baptized and starts preaching about Jesus.

Stewie: Wow, it's like when I went to the waterpark and I went down the water slide!

Peter: Okay, Stewie, I get it. Anyhow, Saul stays in Damascus for a few days and then he goes to Jerusalem, and the other believers are still scared of him because they don't believe he's really a Christian.

Lois: Aww, that's so sad. It's like when I tried to make new friends at the party, but no one believed I was cool.

Peter: Yeah, I get it Lois. Anyhow, Barnabas helps Saul out and tells the others that he's a believer and then Saul starts teaching in the synagogues.