Lois: So, what happened in Acts 23?

Peter: Well, Lois, Paul was brought before the council and he defended his beliefs. He argued that he'd done nothing wrong and that he was being persecuted for his faith.

Stewie: Then a guy named Ananias stepped in and struck Paul on the face!

Brian: Wow, that's intense.

Lois: What happened next?

Peter: Well, Paul was about to be arrested for blasphemy, but then some of Paul's friends stepped in and told the council that Paul was actually a Roman citizen.

Stewie: So the council had to let him go!

Brian: Yeah, but then Paul's enemies hired some men to kill him, so Paul was taken to safety at the castle.

Lois: Wow, that's like something out of a Marvel movie!

Peter: Yeah, it's pretty wild!