Alright, listen up! This is Acts 23. We got Paul in a pickle here. He's been accused of teaching against the Jewish religion, and he's been taken to the Sanhedrin, the highest court of the Jews. He's trying to defend himself, and he's doing a pretty good job of it. But then he drops a bomb that really gets the Sanhedrin fired up: he tells them that he's on a mission from God! The Sanhedrin can barely contain their outrage, but then Paul goes and drops another bomb: he says that he was told in a vision not to go to Jerusalem because he would be arrested! The Sanhedrin is ready to kill Paul on the spot, but a Pharisee intervenes and argues that Paul should be tried in a Roman court. The Sanhedrin agrees, and Paul is sent off to the Romans. That's the end of Acts 23. Now, anyone got any questions?