Chapter 1
Listen up, recruits! In John 1, we learn about the Word, who is God and was with God in the beginning. He created everything that exists. The Word became flesh and lived among us, and we saw how great He is! He was full of grace and truth and revealed God's glory to us. →
Chapter 2
ATTENTION! Listen up! This is John 2 of the Bible! Jesus and his mom, Mary, are at a wedding in Cana. The people there run out of wine, so Jesus does a miracle and turns water into wine! Everyone is amazed, and this is the first of Jesus' miracles. →
Chapter 3
Listen up, recruits! This is John 3! Jesus is talking to Nicodemus, a Jewish leader who doesn't understand the concept of being born again. Jesus tells him that he must be born again, of water and the Spirit, in order to enter the kingdom of God. →
Chapter 4
Listen up Marines! In John 4, Jesus runs into a Samaritan Woman at a well. Jesus asks her for a drink and she's like, "wait, you're Jewish and I'm a Samaritan. We're not supposed to be talking to each other. →
Chapter 5
Listen up, recruits! Chapter 5 of John starts off with Jesus at the pool of Bethesda. He notices a man who has been sick for 38 years and asks him if he wants to get well. The man responds that he has no one to help him into the pool when it is stirred up, so it's impossible. →
Chapter 6
Atten-HUT! Listen up, maggots! This is John 6- it's about Jesus and a bunch of people who didn't understand what he was tryingin' to tell 'em. So Jesus does what he does best- he feeds 'em all! He creates a bunch of loaves and fishes with only five loaves and two fishes, and everyone's got enough food. →
Chapter 7
"Listen up, recruits! John 7 is about the people of Jerusalem trying to figure out if Jesus is the Messiah or not. Jesus says some stuff about the Temple and then goes off to Galilee. Later, he returns to Jerusalem and speaks at the Temple, and some people are convinced he's the Messiah, while others are still not sure. →
Chapter 8
Listen up, recruits! This is John 8. Jesus was in the Temple courts, and the Pharisees brought a woman who was caught in adultery. They wanted to test Jesus by asking if the woman should be stoned, according to the law. →
Chapter 9
Hey, you newbies! Listen up! I'm gonna give you the rundown on John chapter 9. It's all about Jesus healing a blind man. He spits on the ground, mixes up some mud and puts it on the man's eyes. Then he tells him to go wash it off in the Pool of Siloam. →
Chapter 10
1-18. Listen up! This is John Chapter 10. I want ya'll to know that Jesus is the good shepherd. He's the one who knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. A stranger they will not follow. That's because they don't recognize the voice of strangers. →
Chapter 11
Alright, listen up, you new recruits. We're gonna go over John 11 real quick. Let's see. This chapter starts off with Jesus' buddy, Lazarus, getting ill. Jesus' two other friends, Mary and Martha, send for Jesus to come and heal him, but instead, Jesus waits two days, then heads to their town. →
Chapter 12
Listen up, recruits! This is John 12! Jesus and his disciples are in Bethany at the home of a man named Lazarus, who has recently been brought back to life. Lazarus's sisters, Mary and Martha, are there too. →
Chapter 13
Listen up ya maggots! This is John 13. Jesus is in the last supper with his disciples. He is gonna show 'em a thing or two. He takes off his clothes, wraps a towel around his waist and starts washing his disciples' feet. →
Chapter 14
"Listen up recruits! This is John 14. It's about Jesus' last words to his disciples before he died. He's trying to prepare them for his departure and tells them not to be troubled. He promises them that he is going away to prepare a place for them. →
Chapter 15
John 15: A Marine Drill Sergeant's Summary: LISTEN UP! This chapter is all about staying connected to Jesus. He's the vine and we're the branches. He says if we stay connected to Him, we'll bear fruit. But if we don't stay connected, we'll be cut off. →
Chapter 16
John 16: All right, listen up, maggots! This chapter is all about Jesus telling His disciples that they are gonna be in for a world of hurt after He leaves. He tells them that He is gonna be gone for a little while, and when He comes back, things will be different. →
Chapter 17
Alright maggots, listen up! This is John 17, the final chapter in this book and Jesus is about to finish up his last address to his Father in Heaven. Jesus is prayin' for his disciples, askin' his Father to protect them, keep them safe, and bring them glory. →
Chapter 18
Okay, listen up! This is John 18. Jesus is being arrested by the Roman soldiers and taken to be crucified. He's already been betrayed by Judas, and now he's being handed over to the chief priests and other religious leaders. →
Chapter 19
Listen up, maggots! This is John 19. We got Jesus on trial and Pontius Pilate trying to get out of sentencing him to death. Pilate sends Jesus to Herod, and Herod sends him back. Pilate gives the crowd a choice between Jesus and Barabbas, and they choose Barabbas. →
Chapter 20
ATTENTION! Listen up, you maggots! Today we're discussing John 20 - the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! Mary Magdalene finds the empty tomb and rushes to tell Peter and John. They come back to the tomb and find only the burial cloths. →
Chapter 21
"Listen up, recruits! This is John 21, and it's all about Jesus' resurrection and some of his last words to his followers. He appears to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias, and they go fishing. Jesus tells them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat, and they catch a ton of fish! After this, Jesus serves the disciples breakfast, and then he has a conversation with Peter about his faithfulness and love for Jesus. →