Chapter 1
Listen up, recruits! Revelation 1 is all about Jesus and John. John is on the island of Patmos and is visited by Jesus, who appears to him in a vision. Jesus gives him a message for the churches, telling them to repent, stay strong and faithful, and not be afraid. →
Chapter 2
Alright, listen up! Revelation 2 is about the Seven Churches. Each church is a symbol for a group of people, and each one receives a letter from Jesus, who is the Almighty. He commands them to repent and turn away from their sins. →
Chapter 3
Listen up, Marines! Revelation 3 is all about Jesus giving a message to the church in Sardis. He tells them to wake up and stop sleeping on their faith. Jesus knows they have a reputation of being alive, but they're really just spiritually dead. →
Chapter 4
Listen up, recruits! Revelation 4 is a vision of God's throne room in heaven. It's a wild scene! The One who sits on the throne is described as having eyes like fire, and His voice is like the sound of many waters. →
Chapter 5
Alright, listen up! This is Revelation 5. This is about a scroll with seven seals. When the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, shows up, He's the only One who can open the scroll. When He does, then we get to find out what was written in it. →
Chapter 6
Drop and give me twenty! Get to know the book of Revelation, maggots! Chapter 6 is all about the six seals, which are opened by the Lamb, Jesus Christ himself. First up is the seal of the Conqueror, who brings a white horse with him and is given power to conquer. →
Chapter 7
"Listen up, recruits! Revelation 7 is about a vision the Apostle John had of an angel with a seal of God. This angel sealed 144,000 of the 12 tribes of Israel on their foreheads. Then John saw a great multitude of people from all nations, tribes, and peoples standing before the throne, praising God! God is worthy of all our praise recruits! So, don't forget that, you hear me? Now, go out there and show God you got what it takes!" →
Chapter 8
"Listen up, maggots! This is Revelation 8, and it's all about a big ol' angel with a TRUMPET. That's right, a TRUMPET! This angel's gonna blow it, and then there'll be some hailstones, fire and blood that'll rain down on the earth. →
Chapter 9
"Listen up, new recruits! Revelation 9 is a doozy. It starts with an angel opening the bottomless pit, unleashing a swarm of locusts with the faces of men, hair of women, and teeth of lions and they torture the people of the earth. →
Chapter 10
"Alright, listen up you maggots! This is Revelation 10! We've got a powerful angel coming down from Heaven with a little book in his hand. He puts his foot on the sea and his other foot on the land, and he shouts out a mighty shout that will last forever and ever. →
Chapter 11
Listen up, recruits! Revelation 11 is all about two witnesses, who will prophesy for 1,260 days. They'll be dressed in sackcloth, and they'll have the power to call down fire from heaven and to turn water into blood. →
Chapter 12
Listen up, maggots! This Bible chapter is about a big old battle in Heaven. Satan and his crew are trying to steal control, but they don't stand a chance against God and Jesus. A big old dragon appears, which is obviously Satan, and he's gonna try to eat a woman who's giving birth to a baby. →
Chapter 13
Alright listen up, you maggots! Revelation 13 says that a beast with seven heads and ten horns will arise from the sea. It will be given power by the dragon and it will blaspheme God, making war against other believers. →
Chapter 14
Alright, you maggots! Listen up! This is Revelation 14. In it, you'll see an angel flying around in the sky. He's announcing that the Gospel of Jesus is being spread around the world. Next, there's another angel with a sickle, and he's harvesting the earth. →
Chapter 15
Listen up, recruits! You need to know what's in Revelation 15, so here we go: This is when you'll see those who have won the victory over the beast, with harps and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints! Then, God's temple in heaven opens, and seven angels come out with seven plagues. →
Chapter 16
Listen up! This is Revelation 16. Four angels arrive in the Euphrates River to prepare for battle. God is gonna pour out seven bowls of His wrath on the Earth. The first bowl causes a nasty sore to appear on everyone who worships the beast. →
Chapter 17
Listen up, troops! Revelation 17 is all about the great whore. This whore is a symbol of a city and the people of this city who have been unfaithful to God. God is punishing them for their unfaithfulness and their idolatry. →
Chapter 18
Attention new recruits! Listen up! This here's Revelation 18, and it's talkin' 'bout the fall of Babylon! Yahweh's gonna punish her fer her sins, like her idolatry, her havin' slaves, and her sellin' folks into slavery. →
Chapter 19
Listen up, ya maggots! This is Revelation 19! You better pay attention! In it, we see multitudes of angels and creatures in heaven praising God and singing: "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. →
Chapter 20
Attention! Listen up! This is Revelation 20. It's about the end of the world! The Devil and his evil army are defeated and thrown into a lake of fire. Then a thousand years of peace and righteousness begins. →
Chapter 21
Listen up, maggots! Revelation 21 is all about the new heaven and new earth. God's dwelling place is right there with all of us, and He will wipe away every tear. Death and mourning and crying and pain are all gone. →
Chapter 22
Listen up, recruits! This is Revelation 22! Here it is in a nutshell: Jesus is coming back! He's gonna be here real soon and He's gonna reward everyone for being good. That's the gist of it. He's gonna make all things new, make all wrongs right, and everyone who follows Him will be blessed. →