Listen up, ya maggots! This is Revelation 19! You better pay attention! In it, we see multitudes of angels and creatures in heaven praising God and singing: "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns." Then a voice from heaven says that God's judgment is true and just. Then a white horse appears, ridden by a figure called Faithful and True, who has eyes like blazing fire and a robe dipped in blood. He is followed by an army of angels. He has a sharp sword with which to judge and make war. He's here to destroy the wicked and to bring justice to the world. Then a second figure appears, the Bride of Christ. She is dressed in fine linen, bright and pure. Then an angel summons the birds to feast on the flesh of the wicked. In the end, the angel invites all to the marriage feast of the Lamb. That's Revelation 19 in a nutshell, ya recruits. You got it? You better get it!