Chapter 1
Batman: "Greetings, Robin! I've just been reading Revelation 1 and it's quite a wild ride. It speaks of a vision of Jesus, clothed in a robe reaching down to His feet, with a golden sash around His chest. →
Chapter 2
Batman: Robin, we must investigate the city of Pergamum! Robin: What's wrong, Batman? Batman: It seems that the people of Pergamum have become corrupt by the false teachings of the Nicolaitans. Joker: But what can you do about it, Batman? →
Chapter 3
Robin: Holy Bibles, Batman! What a wild chapter! Batman: You're right, Robin. This chapter of Revelation is full of prophetic messages. The Riddler: Not so fast, you dynamic duo! What does this chapter say? →
Chapter 4
Batman: Holy Stairway to Heaven, Robin! What's going on here? Robin: It looks like we're in Heaven, Batman! There's a throne with a figure sitting on it, and around the throne are twenty-four other thrones with twenty-four elders sitting on them. →
Chapter 5
Batman: Robin, I think we're going to need the Bat-Signal for this one! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: We've just learned that in Heaven there's a book with seven seals on it, and only Jesus can open them. →
Chapter 6
Batman: Robin, look at the sky! Something strange is happening! Robin: Holy Horsemen, Batman! It looks like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse! Joker: (Cackling) Yes, it's the Four Horsemen, Batman! And they're here to bring the end of the world! →
Chapter 7
Batman: Robin, look! It's a vision from an angel. Robin: What does it show, Batman? Batman: A great multitude of people from every nation on Earth, all wearing white robes and holding palm branches! →
Chapter 8
Batman: Robin, look! Something strange is happening in the sky. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: I'm not sure, but it looks like seven angels with seven trumpets. Joker: Hahahahahaha! I know what's coming next! →
Chapter 9
Batman: Holy smokes, Robin! Look at the sky! Robin: Why, it's filled with locusts, Batman! Joker: Bahahaha! What a sight! Catwoman: What's going on here? Batman: According to Revelation 9, these are not ordinary locusts. →
Chapter 10
Batman: Holy history, Robin! John just heard a loud voice from heaven telling him to take the scroll and eat it! Robin: What an interesting turn of events! What did John discover when he ate the scroll? →
Chapter 11
Batman: Robin, something strange is happening! The temple of God in heaven is opening up and two witnesses are walking out. Robin: Wow, Batman, what are they doing? Batman: They're prophesying for 1260 days! Then the beast from the abyss will make war against them, and kill them. →
Chapter 12
Joker: Ha ha ha! It looks like the Lord God Almighty has cast Satan down to the earth with a loud crash! Batman: Be careful, Joker. This is no laughing matter. In Revelation 12, a great battle takes place in heaven between the Archangel Michael and his angels and Satan and his angels. →
Chapter 13
Batman: "Holy smokes Robin, it looks like we're in trouble! In Revelation 13, it says there's a beast rising out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns. He's got a mouth that's talking nothing but blasphemy and it looks like he's got the world in his grip!" →
Chapter 14
Batman: Greetings, old chum! It's time for us to ponder the meaning of Revelation 14. Robin: You mean, the 14th chapter of the Book of Revelation? Batman: Precisely! As we know, it speaks of three angels flying in the sky, each with a message for the world. →
Chapter 15
Batman: Robin, this is a strange chapter of the Bible. It talks of a vision of heavenly beings with seven plagues. Robin: I'll say! It says they have "golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints. →
Chapter 16
Batman: Holy Smokes, Robin, the book of Revelation is coming to an end! Robin: That's right, Batman! The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and there was a loud voice from the temple that said, "It is done!" →
Chapter 17
Batman: Robin, I fear we have stumbled upon a grave new development. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: I've been reading the Bible, and it seems that in Revelation 17, a great beast appears with seven heads and ten horns. →
Chapter 18
Batman: Robin, something sinister is happening in the city. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: According to Revelation 18, Babylon the Great has fallen. Catwoman: That's right, it's finally happened. →
Chapter 19
Batman: The angel announces that the judgement of God has come, and God's servants will be rewarded. Robin: Then a great multitude in heaven shouts, "Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns!" →
Chapter 20
Batman: “Old chum, we have reached the twenty-first chapter of the Book of Revelation!” Robin: “Holy fire and brimstone, Batman! What’s it about?” Batman: “This chapter speaks of the binding of Satan and the coming of a new heaven and a new earth. →
Chapter 21
Batman: Prepare for the final chapter, Robin! In Revelation 21, God promises a new creation, free from all the horrors of the old world. Robin: What horrors, Batman? Batman: The sorrows of death, crying, and pain! And with the new creation will come a new Jerusalem, the home of God's people. →
Chapter 22
Batman: "Quick Robin, something strange is happening! In Revelation 22, a man appears in a cloud with a golden crown and a rainbow around his head!" Robin: "Holy smokes, Batman! It sounds like an angel!" →