Batman: Holy Stairway to Heaven, Robin! What's going on here?
Robin: It looks like we're in Heaven, Batman! There's a throne with a figure sitting on it, and around the throne are twenty-four other thrones with twenty-four elders sitting on them.
Batman: Whoa, what is all this?
Joker: *In his sinister laugh* This is the court of the Almighty!
Robin: Wow! What are the twenty-four elders doing?
Catwoman: They're worshipping the figure on the throne with golden crowns, and they are singing, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come!"
Riddler: That's not all. There were also lightning and thunder coming from the throne and burning lamps in front of it.
Penguin: And the figure on the throne was surrounded by a rainbow that looked like an emerald!
Batman: What a sight to behold! Let's keep moving and see what else we can learn.