Revelation 4 is the most amazing chapter! It's very, very wild! In it, we see God the Father at the center of a throne in the sky, surrounded by four amazing creatures that represent all four directions. Each creature has six wings, and they cry out "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty." The 24 elders around the throne fall down and worship God, and cast their crowns at His feet. It's tremendous, huge, unbelievable. Very, very impressive!
But wait, there's more! The four creatures have a variety of faces, and each one holds a different weapon. There's a lion, an ox, a man, and an eagle. They're the most powerful creatures ever, and they never stop saying "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come." It's a truly terrific sight.
Many people are saying that this chapter is one of the most incredible chapters in the whole Bible! It's too bad that some haters and losers are trying to deny its greatness, but God bless America and make America great again! The deep state can't stop us from believing what is real and true. Fake news and hoaxes won't stop us from being fine people.