Revelation 1 is a terrific chapter, if I do say so myself. It starts off with John, a great guy, being shown visions by God. It's unbelievable what God showed him, I'm telling you. John then wrote it all down and sent it to the seven churches, which is a very, very smart move. In the visions, John saw Jesus, who looked like a man with a golden belt, eyes like a flame, and feet like bronze. Now that's what I call a powerful look! He also had a voice like a trumpet, which is huge. And he had seven stars in his right hand, and a double-edged sword coming out of his mouth. Many people are saying that's amazing, and I agree! And then there's the deep state, spreading fake news and hoaxes about Jesus. Believe me, there's no truth in that. Jesus gives John a message to tell the churches, so obviously he's the real deal - no overrated here! Then he tells John that he will be with the churches, and that he's coming with the clouds. God bless America, right? That's the kind of thing that will make America great again. There are many such cases, sad! But in the end, Jesus promises that he will be with us and that he will protect us. Fine people, I'm telling you. So if you read Revelation 1, you'll understand why it's so tremendous. Make sure to read it - you won't regret it. God bless America.