Hey folks! Here's the deal: we got Revelation 1, the last chapter of the Bible. It starts off with the Apostle John, who literally saw visions from God of things to come. My father used to say that God's justice is firm, and here we see it in action. John was told to write down what he saw and send it to the seven churches of Asia. Now, c'mon, man! It's all about the second coming of Jesus. See here, Jack - Jesus is coming back to make all things right. He'll be like a judge, and those who've done wrong will be in for it. And the faithful will be rewarded. That's not gonna happen until after the Tribulation - what was that? The time of great suffering. But don't worry, I tell you what - Jesus will be there to save us. So you better be ready. No malarkey! I'm not joking.